It’s the New Year and I’m looking at my blogsite. I’m wondering what readers and authors would like to see on my blog.
I have guest authors who present their new book or their backlist. Most of
the time they share a little about themselves or about their characters plus
all the usual about their book.
I can continue my present format or tweak it slightly, but I was wondering when you check a blog with a guest author what don’t you see that would be of interest to you? Questions about their pets? Hobbies and tips? Recipes? Their nutrition? Do they exercise? How they’re handling the Covid restrictions?
Anything about their book that you don’t usually get? Maybe something on the research they did for the story?
Yes, I’m asking you to do my job, but not really. I want to make the blog more interesting to you. If you spend some of your precious time reading my blog, I’d like to make that time share something of interest to you.
I’d love to have you comment even if it’s just one or two words.