February is Super Bowl, Valentine’s Day and Heart Health Month

And we’ve already shot through January and Ground Hog Day. Depending which ground hog, you believe neither Punxsutawney Phil nor Wiarton Willie saw their shadows so it’s an early spring. However, Shubenacadie Sam did see his shadow so it’s six more weeks of winter. Make your own decision.

I’m still working on my first goal of 2020 – Finish the Damn Book. Yes, I have been writing but not enough. I’ve written, edited and rewritten and I’m still about five thousand words from finishing. I’m beginning to wonder if this book is meant to be written.


January was a bit of a challenge. I lost my beloved Sachi. My writing chapter suddenly turned upside down and the whole board resigned, and it devolved into a total disaster, so after more than twenty years I resigned. I don’t do that kind of stress anymore.


I’m hoping this means that February I will concentrate on my writing, get the book off for editing and maybe, just maybe, off for formatting. (fingers crossed) Once it’s gone for editing, I want to get back to working on The Foundation – Lydia’s Story. The pressure’s not on as much for that one. I have a couple of months to work on it.


Once again, I’m not doing a lot of promotion this month. I want to finish and publish Death Southern Style and start promoting it. So hopefully next month.

I’m on the Valentine’s Day Countdown on The Red Carpet at https://www.redcarpetfiction.com/ 


February 22 - Group Blog – start at https://beverleybateman.blogspot.com/and this month  the topic is an extension of January’s topic.  Current trends (those that your like and those that infuriate you) that might end up in a story. How should fiction set in today’s times treat politics?


February 22 – I’m a guest on Viviana MacKade’s blog at https://viviana-mackade.blog/ 


Check out my blog and meet some great authors with their new books and other information at  https://beverleybateman.blogspot.com/ and I’d love to have you post your comments and thoughts.


Don’t forget it’s Heart Month. So, check it out and do something healthy for your heart.