The topic for this month is marketing. I’d love to hear from all of you, your thoughts on marketing.
I can’t speak to those published by traditional publishers but my understanding is that you need to do most of your own marketing.
I’ve attended several workshops and the general message I got was don’t worry about marketing was if you only have one book published, don’t worry about marketing. Write the next book and the next. Then with at least three published books, consider marketing. I followed this advice, but partly because I didn’t want to do any marketing. J
The next point about marketing – establish a budget. How much can you afford to spend?
Blog tours that you do yourself are free – except for the books you might give away.
Facebook parties are again free. Many loops you may be a member of, have free promos for the member’s books.
Newsletters are one of the best ways to promote your book. And if you can get a street team, that’s relatively free. You can give them small gifts to help promote your books.
You can buy ads on Facebook and Twitter. BTSeMag has a full page premium ad in their online magazine, which is quite well done, for $70. There is a charge to design the ad, but it also is reasonable and you can have as much input as needed to finalize. http://www.btsemag.com Fiverr http://www.fiverr.com/bknights Bookbub (which is great but can be a challenge to get one) http://ohfb.com/index.html
Check back on Thursday for more information on marketing.